Sufjan Stevens, Carrie & Lowell (Les Gordon Edit).

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There can be absolutely no rebuffing the beauty that’s so intrinsically linked to Sufjan Stevens’ eulogistic latest full-length effort, Carrie & Lowell. And although its misty-eyed title track may well have been among the more maudlin, and ultimately less impressive numbers compiled within, it’s similarly difficult to negate the giddying delight to be derived from Marc Mifune’s Les Gordon edit of said song (to be found below). Because having recently honed his craft as one half of Francophonic ‘organica’ genii SNGPR, Mifune’s essential (and with that, quintessentially Gallic) rehash is massively enamouring, finger clicks and Stevens’ dextrously contused acoustic combining with propulsive pulses and oscillating bass lines that bring as much force as they do freshness to this masterfully refreshed piece. Or pièce de résistance, peut-être?

Les Gordon’s SoundCloud.

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