Roosevelt, Night Moves.

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Thus far, Rooseveltgeboren Marius Lauber – has yet to put a proverbial foot wrong, with plenty of the right kinds of moves having been made previously along the slinky lines of Elliot, Montreal, Sea, Soleil and so on. And sure enough, the list now goes on, with the ebullient, unabashedly Balearic Night Moves another thoroughly buoyant cut; the kind that makes you wonder whether Die Bundesregierung have somehow managed to switch their water supply over with a limitless source of Lilt, Ting or likewise in recent times. And, evocative of Nile Rodgers’ timeless oeuvre and TEL AVIV’s CUCCA in equivalent measure, these are the sorts of sultry tones to keep you up and compel you to keep on going; not to mention to heap yet more, increasingly vociferous praise upon Lauber’s glorious electronic manoeuvres for the dark…

Roosevelt plays next month’s inaugural Lost Village Festival, which is set to take place in a secret Lincolnshire location on the weekend of May 23rd – 24th.

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