First Transmission: Sieren, Tailored Mistakes.

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Although the peerless Jon Hopkins’ new one is ‘nearly fucking finished’, the wait since Immunity has been a lengthy, enervating one all the same. Nevertheless, alleviating the less-than-enjoyable silence in the interim is Berlin’s Sieren, whose recent Ascension EP is seemingly built from comparable antibodies, white blood cells, et cetera, with the immersive, massive Tailored Mistakes the immediate standout. It couldn’t sound any more British were it bleating on about ill-advisedly voting to leave the EU, Warp-worthy beats and breaks crumbled into a grubbier undercurrent that, fixed up properly by the sometime Ableton software developer and sounding decidedly sharp, is probably best suited to an early-hour blur through Croydon Underpass. But for once, sounding British really is no bad thing, and Tailored Mistakes is a mighty fine one indeed…

Ascension is available now via Sieren’s Bandcamp.